The Sky is Blue and Republicans Are Slut-Shaming
So here, apparently, is one of the new ads meant to encourage young people to get health insurance. I just read this fun article about the right's insane reaction to the ad.Let's go over a couple...
View ArticleDaryl Metcalfe Wants to Defund Planned Parenthood
...I hope I haven't shocked you. I know, how startling that a dyed-in-the-crazy, ultra-conservative, registered vagina regulator like Metcalfe would want to shut down Planned Parenthood. It's almost...
View ArticleStop Letting Republicans Create the Narrative
I am so far beyond tired of Democrats' inability to change the narrative. While perusing my RSS feed, I read a story from yesterday on Keystone Politics about Democratic Senator John Yudichak. He was...
View ArticleThe "Former First Lady" and Her "Shadow Campaign"
I get a lot of email updates from various news outlets. One of them is Politico, and this evening I got this update -"In a special report, POLITICO offers a behind-the-scenes account of the extensive...
View ArticleAltoona Nurses Stand Up For Standards
Since last spring, I've had the pleasure of standing with people like Paula Stellabotte and Maria Wickstrom doing my very small part to help bring community awareness to the impact that UPMC would have...
View ArticleEvery Student Apartment Is Not Nittany Pointe
Nittany Pointe made the Altoona Mirror again. Logan Township is apparently considering a student rental inspection program that consists of things like this:"In the rules outlined in a 25-page...
View ArticleEarly Casualties of the Primary Season
Anyone paying attention already knows that candidate filing deadlines have already passed in Pennsylvania and some candidates have fallen by the wayside. Jo Ellen Litz didn't make the filing...
View ArticleRepublicans Say The Darndest Things
Let me kick off by saying that I've been away for awhile. It's been a busy semester, but I'm back because I just sat through the US 9th District Republican Primary debate sponsored by the Bedford...
View ArticleRepublicans Talk Abortion in PA's US 9th District
Friday evening I published a summary of my notes from that evening's Republican debate between the candidates for the Republican nomination to run for the US 9th District seat. Today, after a little...
View ArticleThe New Chair of the Blair County Democrats
I've been extremely busy lately and I hope you'll understand why when you check this out...Click on the picture to go to the full blog article.So yes, I am the new Chair of the Blair County Democratic...
View ArticleThe Language of Politics: Why Every Word Counts
This morning I came across this article in my Facebook feed, about funding for Philadelphia schools. School funding is a hot-button issue right now, especially in Philadelphia, and rightfully so. The...
View ArticleIn Which I Get A B.S. Form Letter From Pat Toomey...
I was checking my email just now when lo and behold, I had an email from Senator Pat Toomey. "That's weird," I thought, "why am I getting an email from Pat Toomey?" The no reply email in question was...
View ArticleToomey BS Form Email Update: The Unnamed Second Report
You may recall that two weeks ago I wrote about a b.s. form email that I received from Senator Toomey's office. In the email, two studies were referenced to support Sen. Toomey's claim that raising...
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